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Famous Halls of the House of Parliament
Countless books have been published about the history,
the artistic value and the construction of the House of
Parliament, but less attention is paid to the fact that it
is a functioning institution with its own life and unique
history of rooms that have witnessed so many events. The
House of Parliament incorporates two assembly halls and
several other large halls, some of which have kept their
original character, but the majority gained their unique
identity throughout the years, due to their typical design
or artworks, or perhaps function. Each room is uniquely
furnished and also boasts a colourful story. This volume
undertakes the task to tell these stories.
Release Date: 2019
Number of pages: 132
Size: 16,8 x 18,8 cm
Cover: Paperback
ISBN: 978-615-5948-03-9
ISSN: 2416-1594
Hungarian: 1890 Ft
English: 2990 Ft
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