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Daily life in the House of Parliament
The House of Parliament is Hungary’s most important public building. Its grandiose scale and magnificent overall impression lend it an imposing artistic appearance. It has an air of solemn grandeur, and has indeed been witness to many grand and solemn events during its existence, which spans well over a century. That said, the formal events have always been outnumbered by the days of ordinary, mundane routine, with civil servants and workers going about their daily activities, or residents living their lives among its walls. This publication provides an insight into these daily operations, which may at first seem dull and trivial, but are in fact bursting
with colourful stories and incidents.
Release Date: 2018
Number of pages: 92
Size: 16,8 x 18,8 cm
Cover: puhafedeles
ISBN: 978-615-5674-53-2
ISSN: 2416-1594
Hungarian: 1800 Ft
English: 1990 Ft
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