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Glass art in the House of Parliament

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Glass art in the House of Parliament

Those who have visited the House of Parliament do not need a lengthy description of the special atmosphere of the building. Every day, the people who work there are able to see how the House of Parliament changes its colours. These changes are due to the decorative leaded windows, which on gloomy autumn evenings let some dim light enter the corridors, while on sunny spring mornings project playful motifs on the interior surfaces. The windows of the riverside corridors ubtly complement the panorama, while the round windows of the cross-gallery at the main entrance are real treasures, whose beauty can be enjoyed during working hours as they are lit by the light of the office corridors. The gems of the House of Parliament – the ones that miraculously survived the destruction of World War II – include the glass windows of the Grand Stairway and the doors and windows of the Delegation Hall corridor. Their stunning beauty is undeniable. The eader is invited to take part in a heart-warming tour, to walk along the corridors of the House of Parliament, to gain an insight into the history of the windows and their makers and enjoy the ubtle interplay of coloured glass and light.

Release Date: 2020
Number of pages: 104
Size: 16,8 x 18,8 cm
Cover: puhafedeles
ISBN: 978-615-5948-17-6
ISSN: 2416-1594
Hungarian: 1790 Ft
English: 1990 Ft

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