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Decoratice Plant and Animal Motifs of the Parliament Building Duplicate 0 Duplicate 1 Duplicate 1 Duplicate 1
Decoratice Plant and Animal Motifs of the Parliament Building
Looking at the ornamentation of the House of Parliament in Budapest, you could easily feel as if you were strolling in the great outdoors. Some of the motifs are breathtakingly realistic – such as the beasts stalking their prey or the parrots swinging on ropes – but there are also some beautiful creations of the artists’ imagination:
frogs flying butterfly-like kites, monkeys playing cymbals and drinking wine... all lending the palace of Hungarian legislation a touch of playfulness.
A closer and more thorough look at the individual details on the frescos, statues and decorative painting motifs reveals actual species of animals and plants. Precisely what motifs can be seen on the interior decorations of the House of Parliament? And why exactly those? What can you find more of: fantastical creatures or real
species indigenous to Hungary? This book will answer all of these questions.
Release Date: 2022
Number of pages: 124
Size: 16,8 x 18,8 cm
Cover: Paperback
ISBN: 978-615-6704-17-7
ISSN: 2416-1594
Hungarian: 1990 Ft
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