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The Sculptures of the Parliament Building
This volume provides a comprehensive description of the 242 full-length sculptures designed by Imre Steindl for the Parliament building's interior and facade, allowing an
insight into the history of their making and the art and lives of the 29 sculptors who created them. Although this sculptural material of exceptional complexity had to endure
repeated adversities, it continues to preserve in a virtually unaltered fashion the original intention to pay a tribute to Hungary's greatest historical figures, the noblest
virtues of its statesmen and all Hungarians ever represented within the Parliament's walls.
Release Date: 2017
Number of pages: 116
Size: 16,8 x 18,8 cm
Cover: Paperback
ISBN: 978-615-5674-11-2
ISSN: 2416-1594
Hungarian: 1990 Ft
English: 1400 Ft
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